Players Online
Players Online (24h)
Terms of Service

This document contains the Terms of Service agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ToS” and “Agreement”) for your visit and stay at Zeptia.

This Agreement generally applies to Zeptia itself as well as to the use of all its services.

1. Legal Agreement
Zeptia is the owner of the gaming Zeptia. This is a legal agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as “you” and “member”) and Zeptia. Use of the Zeptia and/or services is subject to this Agreement at all times without exception and signifies your acceptance of and complete agreement to the ToS. You represent that you have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. Your use of the Zeptia is subject at all times to these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. Any content, including but not limited to, user identities, created on the Zeptia is governed by these ToS. This includes, but is not limited to, proper in-game and out of game conduct. You also may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use or purchase certain other Zeptia services, affiliate services or third-party content. Zeptia recommends that all users periodically review these ToS since Zeptia is a live and evolving community. Zeptia reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to revise, amend, change, add to, delete, or update these ToS and their services, effective with or without prior notice by publishing the revised or updated Agreement at Zeptia. The revised or updated Agreement is effective upon publication and your continued use of the Zeptia and the services following notice and publication of the revised or updated Agreement on the Zeptia will constitute your acceptance of the updated Agreement. If you do not agree with these revised or updated ToS, you are obligated to terminate your User ID immediately and cancel any services for which you have signed up.

2. User Identity/Account Creation
When creating a user identity (hereinafter referred to as "User ID" and "Account") by completing and submitting the Zeptia registration form, you represent that you have reviewed, understand, and are in full compliance with the ToS. You must also provide truthful and accurate information in the registration process and be who you claim to be. If you are a minor, your parent(s) or guardian(s) must supervise over your registration process and/or complete the registration process for you, in which case they will take full responsibility for all obligations under this Agreement and are completely liable for all activities conducted through the Account by you or any other party, whether authorized by the registered user or not. During the registration process, you must select login information comprised of a unique login name (hereinafter referred to as "User ID" and "account name") and a secure password. As creator of your User ID, you are completely responsible for your identity and Zeptia will not tolerate offensive, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate user identities. If a User ID violates any part of these ToS, determined at the sole and absolute discretion of Zeptia support staff, we may immediately, temporarily, or permanently ban such User ID from Zeptia or services, with or without notice or prior warning.

3. Account Security
You, as the registered user of an Account, are ultimately and completely responsible for maintaining confidentiality of your login information and computer system used to access the website or services. Further, you are solely responsible and liable for any and all uses of your Login Information, whether authorized by you or not. You may not directly or indirectly reveal your password to anyone for any reason at any time or allow anyone else to access the account. Sharing, trading, swapping, selling, buying, bartering, or otherwise distributing accounts or account/Login Information is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action up to and possibly including service termination at the sole and absolute discretion of our support staff. Zeptia team will NEVER ask for your account password and you should NEVER reveal it, EVER; even when contacting us about an account issue. When creating a User ID, you agree to indemnify and hold Zeptia and its affiliates harmless for any improper use of such identity including, but not limited to, improper or illegal use by someone to whom you have revealed your password in any way. Zeptia is not responsible for any misuse of your User ID, whether such misuse is by you or by third parties. When interacting in any online community we strongly recommend that all players think before they click and engage in safe internet practices at all times. If you discover that the confidentiality of your account Login Information may have been compromise, you are required to immediately and truthfully report this to Zeptia as soon as possible by submitting a request for help through the Zeptia Ticket Support. We will coordinate with proper investigating authorities to hold individuals perpetrating online crimes accountable for their actions, including those who submit fraudulent or false reports.

4. Rules of Conduct
All Zeptia Members have to adhere to these ToS at ALL times without exception when interacting with any part of the website or services. You must observe these ToS, all applicable laws and also basic rules of etiquette, common courtesy, and common sense when using the Zeptia. Any conduct that violates the law in an offline, real world community is also a violation of these ToS. Zeptia will not tolerate any illegal conduct and will cooperate with law enforcement for such behavior. Zeptia may take any actions and impose any penalties we deem necessary to discourage and punish any violation of these ToS or any other illegal or inappropriate conduct, all without prior notice or warning. The determinations as to whether a violation has occurred and who is responsible for such act are solely within Zeptia’s discretion, and are based on what we deem best for the community. By using the Zeptia, you agree that you will be bound to our determination as to whether a violation has occurred and any penalty we choose to implement. As with any community, you will encounter many different participants with different backgrounds, experiences, and tolerance thresholds. The Rules of Conduct (hereinafter referred to "RoC" and "Rules") have been drafted to ensure that the Zeptia community is fun and safe for the greater majority of our members. Zeptia has the right to obtain, without notification to you, certain information about your computer or software, including, but not limited to, your operating system, identification of your hard drives, central processing unit, IP address, and Internet browser for purposes of identification. Zeptia has the right to obtain, without notification to you, non-personal information from your connection to the Zeptia for demographic purposes. Zeptia has the right to obtain, without notification to you, information from your computer, software, and parts or portions thereof, including, without limitation, your computer's random access memory, video card, central processing unit, hard drive(s) and any other storage devices to assist our efforts in policing users who may develop and/or use "hacks" and/or "cheats" to gain advantage over other users. The information obtained in this Section will only be used for the purpose of identifying persons or entities not in compliance or believed by the Company to not be in compliance with this Agreement and any and all other Company rules, policies, notices and/or agreements. Whilst using the Zeptia service, you must abide by the following terms. The following are the basic rules of conduct that govern all player interactions and activities within the Zeptia service and the respective properties of Zeptia. If you fail to abide by these terms, all Zeptia account(s), and your right to use the Zeptia service, is immediately subject to termination by Zeptia and refused service to all present and future products and services. You are not entitled to refunds of any amount. Upon termination, you forfeit all outstanding or unused in-game assets, virtual money, and service use granted by subscription (as applicable).

a) Any user created content for participation on the Zeptia, in any associated game, or for use in the services including, but not limited to, User IDs, game IDs, guild and clan names, guild and clan emblems, chat content, forum threads and posts has to be in compliance with the Zeptia Terms of Service, Rules of Conduct and all applicable laws.
b) You may not modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based upon any part of the Zeptia site, the services, any associated game, or Zeptia's code without express written permission from Zeptia.
c) You may not impersonate any Zeptia employee or Zeptia business partner or its respective employees, past or present including, but not limited to, support personnel.
d) You may not use any unlawful, threatening, abusive, obscene, harmful, defamatory, vulgar, harassing, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language toward any other player, in any language as deemed inappropriate by support personnel. The availability of a profanity/language filter is not to grant permission or license to use such language in any form.
e) You may not threaten, harass, nor cause another player distress or create unwanted attention to other players, as interpreted or determined by Zeptia support personnel at their sole and absolute discretion.
f) You may not organize or participate in any player association or group which is based on, or espouses any, racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, or other hatemongering philosophies. You may not organize or participate in any player association which habitually violates the Zeptia Terms of Service and/or Game/Forum policies.
g) You may not use any sexually explicit language which is graphic, inappropriate, or depicts sexual acts including, but not limited to, sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals, or otherwise deemed inappropriate by Zeptia support staff.
h) You may not market, promote, advertise, or solicit (including multi-level marketing and chain letters) through Zeptia. This covers any type of virtual assets available on or through Zeptia as well as other online games and any real world items.
i) You may not directly or indirectly encourage, incite, or direct other Zeptia Members to violate the Zeptia Terms of Service, Rules of Conduct, or any applicable real world laws.
j) You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation.
k) You may not use the Zeptia services for any illegal purpose. You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated/unlicensed software or other contraband while you are using any Zeptia services.
l) You may not post on Zeptia website addresses ("URL") of and/ or provide links to any sites which contain illegal/sexual material, content which could harm or disrupt another user's personal network, computer, and/or content which violates the Zeptia Terms of Service.
m) You may not use the Zeptia service or any activities other than those permitted within the services, game, website, or associated game/world.
n) You may not leave a Zeptia account logged in while unattended either by use of software applications or physical objects used in any fashion. If your avatar/in-game persona is performing an action of any kind, you must be able to respond to a Zeptia representative if approached.
o) You may not exploit any bug, feature, or design within any Zeptia product or services. You may not intentionally use and/or share such information, real or fictitious, regardless of intent, or if it grants an unfair advantage. You may not directly or indirectly communicate the existence of such exploit/bug to another user of the Zeptia service.
p) You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while using the Zeptia services. Failure to follow said instructions may result in disciplinary account action, up to and including termination.
q) You may not communicate any player's real-world personal information, in any fashion, including your own, within the Zeptia services. You may not directly or indirectly share your account password or account details with anyone, and you will not hold Zeptia, or its subsidiaries, responsible for any damages that may incur from doing so.
r) You may not give false information to or intentionally hide any information from Zeptia, such as e-mail addresses, account information, billing information, which may be required at the time you register with the Zeptia service. It is your responsibility to keep this information current.
s) You may not use, create, play, or provide any server emulation, or services where Zeptia products or services may be played. You may not communicate, solicit, use or otherwise distribute any utilities, emulators, applications, or other programs/software related to Zeptia that does not have the express written permission of Zeptia to be used with the services.
t) You may not attempt to interfere with, hack, or otherwise decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Zeptia services, nor its providers.
u) You may not violate the intellectual property rights of a third party. You may not upload, transmit, or otherwise communicate copyrighted material which you do not own the rights to without express written permission of the author and/or copyright holder through the Zeptia services.
v) You may not intentionally accept an item that has been altered or otherwise manipulated outside of the designed game mechanic or intended feature from anyone inside or outside the game or services. Zeptia has the right to confiscate any such item(s), without reparation, even if a player had no prior knowledge of the item's origin.
w) You may not do anything that interferes with the capability of other Zeptia users to enjoy playing Zeptia games or using the Zeptia services as defined by the respective Terms of Service and/or Rules of Conduct, or that increases the expense or difficulty of Zeptia in maintaining the Zeptia services for its users.
x) You may not intentionally submit inaccurate information, nor otherwise abuse any help, email, or petitioning system.
y) You may not attempt to play any Zeptia product on any service that is not authorized, approved, or controlled by Zeptia or applicable license holders.

By use of the Zeptia service you acknowledge that you agree to these terms and will follow them in their entirety. You agree that these terms will apply to anyone who has access to your Zeptia account. This includes access via your approval, permission, or by otherwise having access to your Zeptia account or account information (in whole or in part). You further agree that you are responsible and liable for any and all consequences which may include, (but are not restricted to) warnings, suspensions or terminations of your account based upon violations of these terms by any person. Zeptia may find it necessary to alter, reset, or otherwise change certain parameters of, an on-going product or service in order to realign the “balance” of the product or service. These modifications or resets may affect in-game assets, avatars, in-game personas, and may regress the product or service. These rules may be modified, amended, or otherwise changed at any time. You agree to visit the Zeptia website to review any changes to these rules/terms which may have been made. You agree to carefully read these terms and conditions. If you encounter any conduct or user submitted content on the Zeptia which is in violation of these ToS, it is your duty and responsibility as an Zeptia community member to report said action to us as we cannot and do not prescreen all forms of communication in the community. We reserve the exclusive right to remove, edit, alter, modify, delete, or otherwise change any member submitted content that is deemed not appropriate for the Zeptia and services, or objectionable to us for any reason at any time. This action is in our sole and absolute discretion.

5. Disciplinary Action and User ID Termination
Zeptia can and does issue warnings and temporary suspensions and permanent terminations of user identities for user violations. We retain the sole discretion as to when and how to impose warnings, penalties and/or disciplinary actions. The severity of a violation and number of occurrences factor into the decisions, but they are not the only measures used. User identities may be banned, both temporarily and permanently, without prior warning. To avoid any doubt, you acknowledge that Zeptia has sole discretion with respect to penalties and disciplinary actions even if there is a credit remaining on your account. If you feel you or your User ID has been unfairly warned or disciplined, please submit a request/ticket for help at the Zeptia support section. All submitted account action disputes will be carefully reviewed yet Zeptia will only take action with valid claims in its determination.

6. Other Termination Procedures.
Users may initiate the termination process of the Account by placing a ticket in the respective Support section. After a request for termination, Zeptia reserves the right to temporarily deactivate the terminated User ID for a period of 14 days. Deactivation is a routine procedure designed to prevent users from conducting deceptive or fraudulent activities. Furthermore, your User ID will be de-activated if you do not use it within three months after the date that it was created or for any continuous period of three months after creation ("Six-Month Term"). If you do not use your User ID for the three-Month Term, it may be removed and deleted by the Zeptia administrator in its sole discretion.

7. Content and Ownership You acknowledge and agree that all accounts, games, websites, associated properties, and all aspects of characters, items, and currency (money) or coin, and in-game assets (collectively, "Virtual Assets") acquired and developed as a result of game play are part of the Software and Service and are the sole property of Zeptia. You agree that Zeptia owns all rights and interests in the Virtual Assets and retains the absolute right to modify its Virtual Assets. You acknowledge that Zeptia has been, is, and will be constantly making changes to its products. You further acknowledge that Zeptia and will, in its sole discretion, modify features, functions or abilities of any element of the game or any Virtual Assets (which may, among other things, make the Virtual Assets substantially more effective or functional, or less effective or functional, more common or less common, or eliminated entirely). You promise that you will never assert or bring any claim against Zeptia, or any employees of any of the above, which is related to or based on (i) a claim that you "own" any Virtual Assets in any game, (ii) a claim for the "value" of Virtual Assets if Zeptia deletes them (and/or terminates your account) if you or anyone acting in concert with you violates any provision of this Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, or Privacy Policy, (iii) a claim for the "value" of Virtual Assets that you may lose if Zeptia does anything that it is entitled to do pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, Privacy Policy, or for any malfunctions and/or "bugs" on the Site or in the Service, (iv) a claim that the "value" or any Virtual Assets has increased or decreased by virtue of any game modification that Zeptia has made or will make, and/or (v) a claim for the "value" of time spent on the Zeptia.

8. Cash Loading (Zeptia Shop)
Zeptia is a virtual shop in which the user can purchase any offered shop-item. In order to execute any transactions (to purchase any offered shop-item) the user has to top-up any amount of his/her choice through “Cash Loading” functionality in the respective area within the Zeptia Shop. “Cash Loading” will be executed with the usage of the offered online payment system. Upon successful “Cash Loading”-transaction, the respective amount “real money” will be credited to the users account. All offered shop-items can be purchased with the available credit in the users “Account”. Zeptia members agree, that all purchased shop-items are non-refundable. In case the purchase transaction fails and the user does not get the shop-items credited to his account or the user made a purchase by mistake, we recommend contacting us for assistance. Any claims for non-delivery must be submitted to our Support department by opening a ticket from the order placing date.

9. Refund Policy
Zeptia does not offer refunds on digital access purchases. All sales are final. As a digital service provider, Zeptia provides access to digital products and services, including but not limited to software, subscriptions, and digital content. Due to the nature of these products and services, once the purchase is made and the digital access is granted, it cannot be reversed or refunded. Zeptia strives to provide high-quality digital products and services, and ensures that they are delivered as described on our website or as agreed upon in writing. However, in case of technical issues or problems with the digital access, we will work diligently to resolve the issue in a timely manner. Please note that it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the digital products and services offered by Zeptia meet their requirements and expectations before making a purchase. We encourage customers to review product descriptions, specifications, and other relevant information provided on our website or contact our customer support team for assistance. In the event of any dispute or concern regarding digital access purchases, customers are encouraged to contact Zeptia's customer support team for assistance. Refunds will only be considered in exceptional cases, at the sole discretion of Zeptia. By making a purchase of digital access from Zeptia, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this refund policy, and understand that all sales are final and refunds are not guaranteed. This refund policy is effective as of 01.03.2024 and may be subject to change without prior notice. Customers are advised to review the latest refund policy on our website or contact our customer support team for the most up-to-date information. Thank you for choosing Zeptia for your digital access needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

10. Submissions and User IDs
"Submissions" means any and all comments, feedback, suggestions, clan/guild images, icons, or emblems, photos, postings at forums, chat rooms and similar venues on the Zeptia, e-mails and similar information or materials that you submit to Zeptia regarding the games or the services of Zeptia or the use or play of those games and services. You agree that User IDs and Submissions are not confidential and become public upon made accessible or known to others. Therefore, Zeptia strongly recommends that you not publish any personal information about yourself or others on or through the Zeptia. You further agree to assign to Zeptia, at no charge, all worldwide and perpetual rights, title and interest in copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the User IDs and Submissions. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the Submissions that you provide and for managing your User ID and represent that they are in accordance with these terms and the Rules of Conduct. You, and not Zeptia, have full responsibility for your Submissions and User ID, including their legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright. As a matter of policy, Zeptia does not prescreen or monitor any Submissions. Except as expressly stated and agreed upon in advance by Zeptia, no confidential relationship will be established in the event any user of this Zeptia should make any oral, written or electronic communication to Zeptia (such as feedback, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.). If any Zeptia web site requires or requests that such information be provided, and that such information contains personal identifying information (e.g., name, address, phone number), Zeptia shall obtain, use and maintain it in a manner consistent with its Privacy Policy. Otherwise, such communication and any information submitted therewith will be considered non-confidential, and Zeptia will be free to reproduce, publish or otherwise use such information for any purposes including, without limitation, the research, development, use or sale of games or services incorporating such information. You are fully responsible for the content of your communications, including its truthfulness and accuracy and its non-infringement of any other person's proprietary or privacy rights.

11. Payment Gateways
Zeptia strives to provide free quality games via the Zeptia and services. Users are not required to purchase in-game items to fully enjoy the services, however, Users may charge Virtual Money to their accounts using our embedded online payment system to acquire those charged Items. Before using either payment gateway, Zeptia recommends you to review their Terms of Service carefully and be sure you agree to their terms separate from this ToS. When you present payment gateway information to Zeptia, you represent to Zeptia that you are the authorized user of such payment gateway account being used to acquire Virtual Money. Zeptia is not affiliated with the embedded online payment system. If any payment is reversed, cancelled or charged back, your Account with us may be immediately suspended without notice or further be terminated if found fraud.

12. System Requirements Part of our mission on the Zeptia is to provide free, high quality games. This entails the use of hardware, software and internet access. By using the Zeptia, you acknowledge that hardware, software and internet access play a crucial role in your user experience. You agree that Zeptia is not responsible for any hardware, software or internet access or unavailability issues and you agree to hold Zeptia harmless for any such issues. You are solely and completely responsible for the cost of all telephone and Internet access charges along with all necessary equipment, servicing, repair or correction incurred in maintaining connectivity to the Zeptia services.

13. Server Outages
There will be regular periods of server maintenance as well as spot maintenance, usually coinciding with a new game or new service. Zeptia will do its best to limit server down time to 24 hours. However, Zeptia is not liable for any loss of usage or data experienced as a result of maintenance or other down times and you agree to hold Zeptia harmless for any such loss. Zeptia will not be responsible for a user's inability to access paid services during server maintenance. Zeptia shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside the reasonable control of Zeptia, including without limitation any failure to perform hereunder due to unforeseen circumstances or cause beyond Zeptia‘s control such as acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials. Further, we cannot and do not promise or ensure that you will be able to access your Account whenever you want, and there may be extended periods of time when you cannot access your Account. You assume the entire risk as to the results and performance of the Software and the Game in connection with your hardware and software, and you assume the entire cost of all servicing, repair and/or correction of your hardware and software.

14. Third Party Sites
Clicking a hyperlink may direct you away from Zeptia. Zeptia does not endorse or control any third party linked sites, is not responsible for their content and has no association with the owners or operators of such sites. Also, other sites may have different terms of service and different privacy policies. Zeptia therefore strongly recommends that you inform yourself regarding the practices of third party websites.

15. Liability
Neither Zeptia or its subsidiaries, licensors or affiliates shall be liable in any way for damage or loss of any kind resulting from (a) the use of or inability to use the service including without limitation loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction; (b) the loss or damage to player characters, accounts, statistics, inventories, user profile information stored by associated games; or (c) interruptions of service including without limitation ISP disruptions, software or hardware failures or any other event which may result in a loss of data or disruption of service. In no event will Zeptia be liable to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages.

16. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Zeptia and its affiliates from and against any claim, loss, expense or damage resulting from or arising out of your failure to comply with these terms or any illegal action or inappropriate conduct by you in connection with your visits or use of the Zeptia.

17. Service Update or Notice of Change Zeptia reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to change, modify, add to, supplement or delete access policies, the availability of any feature of the Service, hours of availability, content, data, software or equipment needed to access the Service, effective with or without prior notice. However, material changes (as determined in Zeptia sole and absolute discretion) will be disclosed prior to or subsequent those changes. Zeptia will provide you with notification of any such changes to the Service through a server maintenance or announcement. If any future changes to this Agreement are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with this Agreement, you must terminate, and immediately stop using, the Service and the Account. Your continued use of the Service following any revision to this Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. Zeptia may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time. Zeptia may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Service without notice or liability.

18. General/Acknowledgements
Zeptia may, with or without notice to you, disclose your Internet Protocol (IP) address(es), personal information, and information about you and your activities in response to a written request by law enforcement, a court order or other legal process to protect your safety or the safety of others. If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This Terms of Use Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and Zeptia concerning the Zeptia and service, and this Agreement supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either oral or written, and any other communications with regard thereto between you and Zeptia; provided, however that this Agreement is in addition to, and does not replace or supplant, the EULA. This Agreement may only be modified as set forth herein. The section headings used herein are for reference only and shall not be read to have any legal effect. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Uruguay without regard to conflicts of laws. The forum for all disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be an appropriate court in the Uruguay, Zeptia and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts. In the event of any litigation or other dispute arising under this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation or dispute will be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees and all other costs and expenses incurred in connection with resolving such dispute.

19. Additional Terms
Void Where Prohibited. No purchase necessary to play games. The operators of this website reserve the right suspend or terminate Player's access to the website at any time for any reason or no reason.

20. Closing
Thank you again for visiting Zeptia. We hope you enjoy your stay and take full advantage of the online community we are developing. Please remember that you are a guest at the Zeptia and act with the same courtesy and respect you expect from other guests. Zeptia always reserves the right to refuse or terminate service.